2019 Council on Resolutions

Please direct any comments, questions or suggestions to PDG Phil Lustig, District 6930 COL representative at phil.lustig3@gmail.com


Dear Council members, Rotary Senior Leaders, Alternate Representatives and District Governors,

I am very happy to let you know that the resolutions for the 2019 Council on Resolutions have been transmitted and published. To begin reviewing the proposed resolutions, please go to: my.rotary.org/cor/vote. Resolutions are available for all Rotarians to read.

The following materials are available to help you navigate the COR:

Resolution Comments
Council members have the opportunity to submit comments on any of the resolutions. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard. To submit a comment please click here: https://rotary.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_40hdTSAWlro1UQ5

Comments have the following parameters:

  1. Comments can only be made by Council members, both voting and non-voting. Comments do not need to be approved by the district and are considered the opinion of the member.
  2. Comments must be about a specific item and are limited to 100 words of the language in which they are submitted. Representatives may submit up to 5 comments.
  3. Reasons why the member is supporting, opposing, or wishing to make a general comment must be included in the submission.
  4. Comments without substance or those that may be offensive will not be published at the discretion of the chair. For example, the statement “I support this item” does not include supporting reasons.
  5. Comments must be submitted using the online form by 8 October 2019. Comments made after this date, incomplete comments, and those not submitted on the form will not be distributed.

The online form to submit comments is available from 1 to 8 October. Comments will then be translated and emailed to Council members by 25 October, though voting will still open on 15 October. Comments will include the name and district of the submitter.

Representatives may begin voting on 15 October. As a reminder, they must sign in to their My Rotary account in order to vote on resolutions. If there are any issues signing in, use the Contact Us form on the Rotary website. We recommend that representatives confirm that their My Rotary account is active before the voting period begins.

The voting period ends on 15 November 2019, midnight central standard time. Representatives must submit their votes before the voting period closes.

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